The leaders of the state Legislature have a message for voters: We know you’re frustrated with how expensive California is ...
Democrats and Republicans agreed on at least one thing before November's election: California would play a central role in ...
California Democratic legislature is meeting again for a special session, this time, to prepare $25 million for legal battles ...
California Democrats have passed two dozen laws to protect abortion access since the Supreme Court in 2021 overturned Roe vs.
Fentanyl took her life. Frustrated with the legislature, Matt Capelouto took matters into his own hands and attempted to get Alexandra's Law on the ballot so that the public could vote on it ...
In the aftermath of the election, the Democrats who dominate all branches of state government have suddenly discovered that ...
Gov. Newsom wants the California Legislature to prepare for the Trump administration, but its leaders also say they heard ...
Businesses are moving out of California – or at least building new plants in other states – partly because this is such a high-tax state.