Director of the Serbian Office for Public and Cultural Diplomacy Arno Gujon(Arnaud Gouillon) has said that there have been 31 ...
An Obrenovac Agricultural and Chemical School student drank acid this morning during class. The details of this dramatic ...
The Serb List issued a press release today and after para-police units raided the village of Banjska, where they took the ...
Serbia's Novak Djokovic ended the season much earlier this year, and it can be said not so successfully, since he failed to ...
"On behalf of the MUP (Interior Ministry), I want to say that our law and our Constitution allow peaceful gatherings. But any ...
"He was my friend for years. This morning they told me that he was found hanging from a basketball hoop in the school ...
T omislav Momirovic, Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade, resigned today. His statement reads as follows: "I am informing ...
Harvi Vajnstajn (72) prebačen je danas u bolnicu posle "alarmantnog" rezultata analize krvi, koji je zahtevao hitnu ...
Borislavu Terziću slošilo se nakon obraćanja njegove bivše verenice Milice Veličković, koja je večeras ušla u "Elitu" kako bi ...
Pevačica Marija Šerifović ne krije koliko uživa u majčinstvu i svaki trenutak provodi sa svojim naslednikom, malim Mariom.
Trudnica Milica Veličković, nakon više od 40 minuta gostovanja u studiju kod voditelja Darka Tanasijevića, gde je govorila o ...
Fudbaleri Atalante slavili su u derbiju 14. kola Serije A u Rimu na Olimpiku protiv Rome sa 2:0, a golove za nova tri boda ...