This course is about the Earth as a holistic system. You will be introduced to System thinking. The main focus of the course is on the various spheres - the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and ...
Som tonåring arbetade Mirja Wester som volontär för Göteborgs filmfestival och förälskade sig i evenemanget. Efter studier i företagsekonomi och filmvetenskap är hon idag vd för festivalen. Nu tar hon ...
Climate research has emphasized the importance of creating synergies and managing trade-offs in climate actions to enable transformative change. According to the latest IPCC report (AR6), maximizing ...
Opponent Kim Good-Jacobson, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Examining committee Alessandro Camponeschi, Institute of Medicine, University of ...
Experimentell kammarmusik, elektronisk musik, performance, blåsorkester, pop och rock och samarbeten mellan olika konstformer: Gemensamt för Sirenfestivalen är den utforskande attityden till musik.
Experimental chamber music, electronic music, performance, brass band, pop and rock and collaborations between different art forms: An exploratory attitude to music is the common denominator for the ...
Title ” Heat and drought responses of tropical trees in a warming world” Opponent Professor Emanuel Gloor, School of Geography, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Chair Professor Håkan Pleijel, ...
Join us for the annual Sea and Society Day. This year we focus on exploring future funding opportunities, crafting successful applications, and meeting new collaborators. The day will focus on funding ...
Vi fokuserar på framtida finansieringsmöjligheter, hur man skapar framgångsrika ansökningar och möter nya samarbetspartners. Dagen kommer att beröra finansiering av forskningsprojekt samt projekt inom ...
Understanding Metabolic Capitalism in Peru: Metaphors of Development The talk explores metabolic dynamics in Peruvian literature of the first half of the 20 th century in connection with contemporary ...
On Friday 24 January, Magnus Åsblad will publicly defend his thesis "Beyond the Border: International pressures and state-building".
Thesis for Medicine Doctorate at Sahlgrenska Academy, Institute of Clinical Sciences, in the research area of Surgery ...