Join our webinar on *Thursday 5 December at 11am* to hear about practical strategies for accountants to implement Making Tax Digital for Income Tax, ...
I’d appreciate your thoughts on Relevant Life Insurance policies for directors of a limited company. Our company has a policy with AIG covering two directors. But, our accountant insists that the ...
A shareholder of a company that is in its first year of trading is selling his shares (33) to the other two shareholders (33 shares each). Is there a ...
As the end of 2024 draws closer, many businesses will be planning for the end of the 2024/25 tax year on 5 April 2025 and considering the impact of ...
The Autumn Budget certainly wasn’t lacking in headline-grabbing announcements. However, if we dig further down into the details, there are ...
The director of a limited company client has made a gift of £500 from the company’s bank account to help support a child who has recently lost her ...
Automated accounting specialist Dext is set to join IRIS Software group’s burgeoning stable of cloud products with a £525m ...
Over the last say 5 years, having been told by software providers that MTD is definitely happening, we almost went with it and almost took on a few hundred ...
Hi all Newish client buys and sells on Amazon, and has provided monthly reports x 3 for us to compile his first VAT return.
Back in January of this year, we reported on a somewhat unusual upper tribunal tax case centred on the desire of an ...
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Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle to afford a full-time and highly experienced chief financial officer (CFO), but these are the ...