L'Ambasciata dei Paesi Bassi a Roma e il Consolato Generale a Milano sono attivi su diverse piattaforme di social media. Seguiteci e rimanete aggiornati sulle nostre ultime notizie, sulle nuove ...
Tanzania is developing fast and the Netherlands wants to help, says Wiebe de Boer, the Dutch ambassador in Dar es Salaam. ‘People are moving to the cities,’ he says. ‘But rural areas present many ...
基础设施与环境部门为荷兰基础设施与环境部在中国的联络处,负责与交通、基础设施、水务及环境领域的相关中方部委、所属机构、非政府组织、以及研究机构保持紧密联系。主要开展相关 ...
Claudia Pieterse has been ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Latvia since 2021. See the curriculum vitae of ambassador Pieterse on Claudia Pieterse | Ambassadeurs | Rijksoverheid.nl (in ...
Die Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande in Berlin sucht ab sofort einen neuen Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) für die Abteilung Interne Angelegenheiten. Es handelt sich um eine Vollzeitstelle (38,25 Stunden ...
Les entreprises étrangères souhaitant s’implanter aux Pays-Bas et travailler avec des entreprises néerlandaises peuvent consulter le site Business.gov.nl, spécialement conçu par les pouvoirs publics ...
Press and cultural affairs Dutch Culture USA is the division of the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ government that supports and promotes Dutch arts and culture in the US. It is the first point of contact ...
The HCCH (Hague Conference on Private International Law – Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé) is an intergovernmental organisation the mandate of which is “the progressive unification ...
The Netherlands celebrates a rich history of world famous philosophers and artists such as Erasmus, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, and Escher. However, the modern Dutch creative sector is also diverse, ...
Im März 2024 waren die Niederlande und Flandern unter dem Motto 'Alles außer flach!' gemeinsam Gastland der Leipziger Buchmesse. Mit 41 Autor:innen und Illustrator:innen der Gastland-Delegation, rund ...
Job level/remuneration: Scale 9 (EUR 2125-2692 gross, depending on experience). Salary is pegged to the Euro, paid in ETB. Working hours per week: 40 Job assignment The assignment is temporary, for 12 ...