Woman fends off venomous snake

HRST = { site: { dartZone: 36117602, adUnit: “htv-wbalradio.com/WBAL_OnDemandVideo_Preroll”, }, }; A highly venomous snake ...
She was eventually able to pull over and Melbourne Snake Control assisted to safely remove the snake from the vehicle.
City Council will ban owning livestock and wildlife after an inland taipan bit a man. A new law will prohibit dangerous ...
At least one of the snakes that became loose was a small, highly venomous viper. However, the snake’s owner caught the animal before EMS arrived. The RV was also towing a Jeep Cherokee.
A Western Cape-based snake handler shared a video of himself removing a highly venomous Cape cobra underneath pillows on a ...
The snakes we rescued were from different villages in Bagnan, Amta and Uluberia,” said Chitrak Pramanik, a wildlife ...